Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Our straw has finally arrived! Here is what we use it for...

The problem with small bales is the hard work moving them!

Here is our years supply of comfy bedding for our poultry and Pigs. We use small or 'conventional' bales of straw as we have to move them through a small doorway  somewhat tricky if they were 250KG round bales!

Here is the barn for the ducks, Geese & Turkeys.
They are used to provide a dry, absorbent bedding called 'deep litter' for out ducks, geese and Turkeys. Deep litter keeps the animals dry and clean, a layer of straw is spread out, and once dirty more is spread on top, with it all being cleaned out every month or so. This means the birds remain clean, whilst the bedding material is cost effective. It also allows them to create nests overnight to lay their eggs in.

A typical Deep Littered Pen (this was a temp. setup - we now use hurdles for the pens)

 Whilst mucking out is not the most glamorous job, it is a necessary one (and a nice inside job when its raining!) however in the poultry barn access is limited so it has to be tipped outside by hand.

This is actually the Bay for Pigs farrowing (giving birth).

once out the door we use more modern (and comfortable) methods to move it to the muck heap where it rots down into compost ready to be used in the veg patch or spread on the fields.

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